Tip of the Day - December 14 2023

Tip of the Day - December 14 2023
You came to the United States for a better life and new opportunities, and now you want to live your retirement years with a measure of financial stability. The good news is that you can, provided you meet specific criteria.
You are entitled for benefits if you meet one of these criteria:
> you are a permanent legal resident of this country;
> you have a visa that allows you to work in the United States;
or you were allowed in the country under the Family Unity or Immediate Relative provisions of U.S. immigration law.
Legal immigrants who meet the Social Security Administration (SSA) requirements for work credits—or who earned the equivalent of Social Security credits through their work history in their previous country
An Advisor with the RSSA® credential on your side can help you every step of the way — to ensure you don’t miss out on the Social Security benefits you have a right to claim.
Let me help: https://bit.ly/3xQrEXt
#savingyourfuture #financialliteracy #iamwsb