Tip of the Week

Tip of the Week
If you have dependents—or just loved ones who you want to take care of after you die—life insurance is critical. This coverage helps ensure your lost income doesn’t translate to tangible material losses for your family once you’re gone.
But how much life insurance is enough? That’s a question whose answer can change significantly over your lifetime, and an important one to answer correctly.
You may be underinsured with life insurance coverage if…
1. Your only life insurance coverage is through your employer.
2. Your income went up.
3. Your stay-at-home spouse doesn’t have life insurance.
4. You had a child.
5. You bought a new home.
While it can feel overwhelming to determine how much life insurance coverage you need as your financial situation changes over time, it’s also well within your power to ensure you’re sufficiently covered.
Start here: https://bit.ly/3xQrEXt
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