Tip of the Week

Tip of the Week
Should parents give their children an allowance?
It’s a surprisingly difficult question to answer.
Teaching your kids how to handle money is important. But how you go about giving them cash can set precedents that last a lifetime. Here are a few different takes on giving your kids money.
> Not giving your kids money.
> Giving your kids an allowance (no work required).
> Paying your kids commission.
Fortunately, there are many ways to combine each of these systems. You could have non-paying chores that are duties simply because the kids are members of the family and then extra paid jobs. Or maybe offer a base allowance to teach your kids about saving, giving, and spending, and then paid chores added on. These systems can evolve over time as your kids grow. Let the needs of your family and what you want to instill in your children guide you.
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